Conceived for the great hall of La Tohu theatre, this circus animation portrays a parade of characters, each possessing a piece of a painting representing a Magrittian sky. As the pieces of the puzzle find their place in the sky, the performers gradually lose their sight and it’s up to the spectators to open their eyes again.
Concept and direction : Veronica Melis
Assistants : Eric Deschenes, Sylvain Rainville
With : Una Bennett, Antonia Dolhaine, Micah Ellinger, Raphaël Filiatreault, Virginie Gerbeau, Keaton Hentoff-Killian, Florian Jeannot, Vincent Jutras, Nathan Knowles, Jérémi Lévesque, Giovanni Maldonado, Noah Nielsen, Nicolas Provot, Hugo Ragetly, Sylvain Ramseier, Oliver Smith-Wellnitz, Dina Sok, Shena Tschofen
Production : National Circus School.
Presented at : La Tohu (Hall)
Duration : 20 minutes